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"I thought it was great. Very valuable and practical advice. The cupcakes were a fabulous touch. It was amazing that most people just got on with the practicing straight after. You clearly create a beautiful safe space for people to express themselves."


"Dear gentle Jonti - thank you for creating another safe and sacred space last night to explore, play and grow. A beautiful evening and experience"


"Well for one, you are never too old to learn new tricks.  I did not know half the stuff till last night.  It was exciting, the entire workshop, demonstration and further events had us as a couple take our "exploring" to a much higher level.  I've never thought we would have such fun and play the way we did.  I feel we have grown from the experience as a couple and definitely reached a whole new trill of excitement hardly containable today."


"It truly is a safe and relaxing environment to explore in and the workshop was fun.  The way everyone joked and laughed, relaxed us very quickly.  The fact that you made each take their turn to answer your questions, forced us personally to shake the shyness and get involved.  to conclude the above… IT WAS FUN AND AMAZING!!!!  Thank you so much."


"Thank you for the beautiful, sumptuous, sacred and safe space that you created for your workshop.  It was an incredible evening of learning and sharing.We were surprised that we were able to feel comfortable with such a new experience.The yoni massage was an exquisitely beautiful and very intimate experience to watch and learn from.  Gentleness and such connection and response has to be seen to be understood.  No mere words have the power to convey such. "


"Gentleness and a slow pace is such and important aspect for women that men have difficulty grasping. It made a wonderful and powerful impact on my husband.The quiet lingam massage was also just as beautiful and I thoroughly enjoyed giving it as I wanted without any expectations."


"Although we have been following your blogs and Facebook for years this all has come about as perfect timing in our lives.  I am at a place of feeling unsettled by menopause and the change in my body as well as the unpredictable energy flow and this is just what I needed to help launch me to a path of healing, wholeness, acceptance and new strength."

"Since the workshop I have found myself in a 'new place', not really a 'high' as such but a sense of  openness, excitement, a feeling of being washed clean, expectation, a greater appreciation and enjoyment of all things, more settled in myself and it has widened my capacity to receive."


"This gift of giving, this expression of love in such an open, deep, honest and raw form is like the glue that holds everything together.  


"The strength from which we can draw from to go on and love in return, conquer and create, nurture and grow."


"Deep gratitude is just flowing here at the moment ...  Thank you both for who you are are and what you do ...May you be blessed with wisdom, intuition, abundance in all your life areas, may all your research and quest for more reap unimagined fruit and joy.  May God guide you and strengthen you, open up the doors and hearts and mysteries that you require on your journey.  May your gifts grow and increase.  May you live under His divine protection.  May your lives flow in abundance with all good things."

BlessingsThe most amazing thing happened on Friday ... the significance of which only struck me on Sunday! During our eye gazing session I had closed my eyes and once I had settled my mind I was visualising a wall of ceramic mozaic violet flowers ... when you touched your lips to my forehead it felt as though my forehead opened up and the image materialised from a brittle ceramic form into a stream of real flowers flowing from the panel through my forehead and towards you ....Violet flowers .... beautiful powerful stuff , whew! Deep breathe. Eyes covered. The heart is pounding - people watching , becoming one with the experience . Pain & pleasure , intensity and relaxation . Sensuality mixes with sexuality and all of it is a dance of fire and deep water composed by 2 incredible people , leading this experience to climax i never knew , safe & lost in the same time , loving and wild energies  are working together. 


"Out of your regular conchesness ... Different dimension.In one word-Creation ."


"I think something unique had happened with the experience and I will email you all my notes.But, it's triggered something internally that I've never experienced before. I felt it in the session, but this morning.. Even more so.It actually felt like it REactivated or released or opened that area up in my vagina, so much so, that the orgasmic intensity made me cum A Lot! And really hard like I've never felt. Was unbelievable ..."


Contact us if you would like to know more about the workshops and the programmes available.
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