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Journeys of Discovery, Healing & Revealing

We design Healing & Growth Programmes tailor made for individuals, because each person is unique in their journey, their path.



We consult with you, discuss with you what you’d like to experience, to share, to heal, to expand and to reveal, and then give you a practical programme to achieve that.



We charge a fee for the entire programme, instead of charging you per session, and we work with you at your level of comfort and safety to achieve your vision.


We'd like to share some beautiful, powerful and personal words with you, that people we're working with have shared with us.



This is important because it makes it possible for you. Their journey, our journey, is your journey.


For every person who decides that they can be happy, that they can be fulfilled, that they can have all the pleasure they know exists, that their bodies, hearts and spirits are connected, that they can live consciously. For every person who does this, they make it possible for others.

“Having been on a spiritual journey since 1995 and having learnt many healing techniques and having had many experiences, I have found that no healing can be complete without healing the sexual energy. I have experienced expanded growth and the removal of many blocks since beginning to work with Jonti. I was truly amazed at the spiritual shifts I have enjoyed and how powerful this experience is in terms of taking one to another level.”


For every woman who chooses to claim the Goddess she is, to claim the fullness of her femininity and power, she makes it possible for every other woman.


“My initiation intention of when I started this journey was to feel empowered sexually as a woman. I thought that by learning to satisfy a man sexually, this is the way I would feel empowered. Through the techniques and healing tools that I have been taught and utilizing, I have realized, that being empowered has nothing to do with someone else but that simply it’s all about me. When I know what I want, I allow myself to receive it. It changes the whole dynamic of being in situations that aren’t satisfying for myself or anybody else, for that matter!! To me, this is true empowerment!!”


For every man who chooses to claim the God he is, to claim the fullness of his masculinity and power, he makes it possible for every other man.


“Coming from an Afrikaans speaking “boertjie” culture I was taught sex is something you only do after you got married. This was the rule of thumb taught to you as a child at school, at the church and at home. Then I got married after school in the church and nobody then taught how to do what I have waited to do after getting married. One had to follow your instincts and what you saw in the media. This is empty, cheap and routine, nothing special. Only after crossing paths with Jonti Searll I was taught one of the biggest and most important lessons was that women differ from men. When approaching your mate, you must take into consideration the way in which the partner of the opposite gender may experience your advances, what the needs are and how your advances should have been.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What does it cost per session?

A: We give you a price for the entire programme, all inclusive, instead of charging per session.


Q: What will I have to do?

A: We give you practical exercises, meditations, visualization, e-books, DVD’s and breathwork to work through at your own pace, as well as bodywork integration sessions with us.


Q: Is my programme confidential?

A: Absolutely. Everything we discuss in session, and do within your programme is confidential.


Q: Can I do an on-line programme?

A: Many of our clients do exactly that with e-mail consultation and follow up.

Most men are goal orientated, approach the female to stimulate her to an orgasm and the ultimate goal is to achieve an orgasm yourself. For women sexual intimacy is the end result of an emotional built up process over a period of time. She needs “to be” and wants to be allowed just “to be” in the moment without feeling the pressure of working towards any goal.”



For every couple who claim the sacred between them, who claim the depth of intimacy and power of connection, they make it possible for every other couple.


As for the healing process, I can see and feel a difference in attitude and eager participation from her side that was not always there before, She is much more willing to try new things and to enjoy what she does to the fullest. We do not only have more sex now but it is also better than before. I have seen and experienced a change for the better in all aspects of her life and it has also motivated and influenced me in a positive manner”


For every person who chooses to know more of themselves, to explore the endless possibilities of pleasure, to celebrate life, to create moments of growth, to go beyond the limitations and inhibitions imposed upon them, to transcend the normal, to be themselves, true and strong. They make it possible for everyone else.


“I approached Jonti with the intention of finding my sensual self after an emotionally abusive relationship left me feeling afraid of intimacy and sexually inadequate. Jonti promised that his healing would change my life, and it is doing just that. Being in a trusting, safe space with Jonti, who very slowly and with great respect has ignited in me a yearning for real love and intimacy, and a confidence that I can own my sexuality and should settle for nothing less than real caring and respect.


Jonti’s hands are like a gentle fire that whispers on my skin. The warmth and caring that emanates from his hands has been so soothing - it’s gone a long way in “stilling” the trauma in my body.


It took a while for me to relax completely and to feel again, but with Jonti’s patience and guidance I am now feeling the sensual side of me emerge. It’s exciting! My healing with Jonti has allowed me to experience sensuality at a much deeper level than ever before.”



And for every person who would just like a little more from life, from relationships, from sex, you make it possible for every body else.


“When I started with this healing process I must be honest, I did it out of curiosity. Not thinking I would ever be “healed”. And then the more I understood it, the more I thought, hey maybe it could. But then I started to wait for it, trying to see a change, a physical change. But something strange is going on. Not something I was waiting for. I was waiting for a physical change, not realizing it could be mental or emotional change .I am starting to realize that I must do things for me, and not care what other people think about it. Not care about their reaction. Until I realized it for myself I would never believe how important it is for one to have that self worth. I am sure that as the sessions continue with Jonti and Anne-Marie I will start discovering more things and I am sure there is much more to heal. But I finally feel that truthfully that I have taken my first few steps”


Because it's not about changing the world. That happens from what we do. As we claim ourselves, our higher, highest selves, as we claim our holiness, our love, our absolute humanity, we make it possible for everyone else.


‘I embarked on a Tantric journey with Jonti to dissolve the sexual block I had in my marriage. In marrying my friend, it had been a constant challenge for almost 22 years. On my beautiful journey with Jonti, I discovered, layer by layer,that the block was with me. I was not living my truth. I had been pretending to be happy for years and my soul was dying. Through the flow of sensual energy, I found spiritual connection and a deep sense of peace in the discovery of truth that lay within me, like a seed waiting for earth and water.


The possibilities of creating my life the way I desire it are endless now. I have found renewed purpose and passion for life!

For the first time in my life, I love myself unconditionally and look forward to the future with excitement and vibrant energy!”


As we claim ourselves, our higher, highest selves, as we claim our holiness, our love, our absolute humanity, we make it possible for everyone else.

We teach our children a way of being that comes out of who we are. That's real. That's creating a world of possibilities, and the tools to the most we can be, all of us.

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