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I am.....

"I’m 36, divorced, not seeing anyone"

"I’m 32, married, my husband doesn’t know about this. I don’t think he’d understand it"

"I’m 29, I’ve never had a relationship. I’m terrified and excited. I don’t know which one I feel more, but I’m doing this"

"I’m 52 divorced, had a terrible sexless and loveless marriage. I’m healing myself"

"I’m 42, my husband has given this to me as a gift, he can’t wait to hear about it"

"I’m 36, we’re very open and he’s coming with to share this amazing experience with me"

"I’m 48, so excited about this adventure I can hardly breathe"

"I’m 32, brought up in a religious home that stopped me doing so much. I need to change so many things about me. This is definitely the biggest step I’ve taken"

"I’m 45, discovering a sexuality that woke up and took me by surprise. I’m going to tell my husband afterwards"

"I’m 38, there’s a group of friends waiting by the phone to hear about this"

"I’m 40, healing body issues"

"I’m 56, curious"


"I’m 36 and I’ve been reading about this and thinking about doing it for so long, I finally found the courage"


"I’m 42, from the moment a friend told me about this I couldn’t think of anything else, couldn’t wait for the right opportunity"


"I’m a wife, a mother, a professional…"

"I work part time.."

"I’m an artist, in finance, in travel, a homeopath, a student, a credit controller, a PA, a doctor, a librarian, a boutique owner…"

"I’m English, Afrikaans, Jewish, Greek, Indian, Russian, Christian, Black…"


"I heard about the wonderful work of Jonti Searll through a confidant of mine, who had attended an Expanded Orgasm Workshop that was facilitated by him. 


My friend was happily sharing with me how he feels the sexual aspect of his life is better at the age of sixty than ever before!  And by contrast, I expressed my concern that my libido was at an all-time low.  Despite being fifty-two, I haven’t started menopause, plus I have a happy marriage, with a caring and affectionate husband, and yet, I had lost all interest in making love.


It’s not just one-sided, because my husband is very busy and under immense pressure at work. By the time he comes home, his energy is spent, and both of us end up watching television together or reading.  Even on the weekends, we enjoy the company of friends or carry out chores, rather than taking time to be intimate.


On top of that, for many years I have been focused on spiritual development and have spent a large portion of my days working on my self, in order to grow both mentally and emotionally.  My efforts have paid off, in that I have reached a stage, where the most recent theme has been: “MY LIFE IS A CELEBRATION!”


However, I felt that I would just be more complete, if I could somehow reclaim or integrate my sexuality into my spirituality…”


"I met Jonti and sometime down the line over the course of a few months it led us to talking about the benefits and business of sexual therapies and how they can and will benefit our life both as an individual and together as a couple. He sent me a message asking if I would like to be involved with the filming of a DVD focusing on the benefits and practicalities of sexual therapy. He suggested a full body massage to see how my body and I react to a specific treatment. Obviously intrigued and very interested in experience this for myself I agreed. We decided to get together. "

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